About Me

I'm just trying to get back to the basics. Fun, Food, Family and Nature. I want my family to respect nature, appreciate what they have and be as healthy as possible. No, we are not giving up our computers and televisions (I'm not crazy) but we are going to try to live healthier and do more for ourselves. We already hunt, fish, and do limited gardening (due to a lack of yard space). Now ... How can I push it further?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Of My Flea Market Finds

Ok, so I broke down and bought some chickens yesterday too. Chicks, to be correct. Cute little buggers, aren't they. I wasn't going to, but my daughters really wanted them so I went back and got them before we left. I'm hoping they are all hens. When I gave in and agreed to buy them I made a deal with the girls, if they are hens they can be pets and used for eggs, if they are roosters, well...I won't go into detail but you know what their fate will be. I actually went there looking for some geese and a milking goat...yes, I said goat. I really want to make my own goat cheese. That stuff is awesome. Maybe a chicken and goat cheese dish? I can just feel my girls eyes burning through me when they read that...LOL. What can I say? That's what living in a small farming community is all about. I can't be expected to keep every animal I buy as a pet. They weren't so thrilled about shooting deer at first either, but they got over the initial sadness and love venison. Anyway, we will be raising these chicks in the house until they are big enough to go to the coop with the ducks.

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